Gorgeous siblings!

These kids are returning clients and I’m glad they are because they are beautiful! I enjoyed my time with them in the studio.

Little A wasn’t so sure about having his picture taken- well, he really didn’t want to at all, but he and his dad found a dead bee in the window sill and that did it for him! 🙂 He loved looking at, and showing off, the bee.

Big A is gorgeous, as always, and loves to have her picture taken. She and I had fun trying several different ideas.

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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. They are adorable!!!! I absolutely love that last shot!

  2. what sweet adorable kids..! love the shots!

  3. What adorable kids they are!!! I just looooove the last shot! Nicely done!

  4. What adorable kids!

  5. Beautiful kiddos and adorable images

  6. These are really sweet!

  7. Way to go Jackie!! LOVE LOVE LOVE them.
    I bet mom’s going to have a hard time picking a favorite.
    Darling kids too!!

  8. Adorable babes! The last pic is so cute!

  9. Oh my goodness…gorgeous kids! You got some great shots!

  10. These are beautiful! I love the “candidness” of them!!

  11. i love that last one! it’s priceless!

  12. how sweet are they!! so adorable. great shots!

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